New MTK Executive - WELCOME



Good morning,

Thank you to all you participated in our AGM and those who put their name forward as nominees for our MTK Executive.

Your MTK Executive for the 2023-24 Season:

President: Jenn Downey
VP of Administrration: Andrea Tunks
VP of Operations: James Caldwell
Dir of Risk & Disciplie: Bob Hawn
Dir of Equipment: Chris Waterfiled
Dir of Fianance: Jason Bagshaw
Dir of Scheduling:  Joanne Guibord
Dir of Registration: Sarah Clark
Dir of Communications: Kelsey Crispin
Association Comp Rep APMHA: TBD
Association Comp Rep: CPMHA : TBD

We will be meeting as a new Executive in late May, so please be patient with us as with make this transition.

If you would be interested in being a Comp Rep, please reach out to CPMHA and APMHA Presidents or myself.

A huge THANK YOU to Brent Townend, Cathy Jones, Blair Boisvenue and Dave Payne, Executive Members who are moving on. Your time and service has been very much appreciated.

See you all at the Rink,

Jenn Downey
MTK President