
MTK is back on the ice as of Feb 16th!

We are very excited to be able to confirm that MTK will be returning to on ice activities starting Feb 16th and our season will run until March 28th. 

In consultation with the Executive and our Coaches we have tweaked our schedules to allow for more scrimmages and less prcatices to round of the season. 

INFO on schedules and fees are availble HERE on oour RTH Feb 2021 page. 

Fees have been calculated at a bare minimum to cover the cost of the remaining ice sessions only and average approx $5 per player per hour.  These fees were calculated based on the committment made by players at the start of season and because of this we have been able to maintain such low fees for these last 6 weeks.  You will be recieving an electronic invoice within the next few days and fees are due by Feb 28th. As always, please dont hesitate to contact our treasurer Andrea for alternative arrangements. 

All protocols will remain the same as prior to the break and details are availble  HERE

Once again I would like to thank our executive for their dedcation and our plarents, players and coaches for their patience during the unprecidented season.