
Last call - Pre Registration closes to day at 12:00 PM for Novice to Minor Midget You MUST be pre registered on the MTK website to attend MTK conditioning - NO exceptions will be made.


Please read all details pertaining to the tryout process, specifically relating to fees as some details have changed from previous years

Pre Registration closes for Novice to Minor Midget on Sept 4 at 12:00 PM
Pre Registration for major Midget closes on Sept 24 at 5:00 PM
You MUST be pre registered on the MTK website to attend MTK conditioning - NO exceptions will be made.  You must also be registered with your home association and have made the minimum payment required by your house association guidelines.

MTK pre registration is seperate from your house registration with APMHA or CPMHA

MTK will be hosting the following teams for the 2018-2019 season:
Major Novice
Minor Atom
Major Atom
Minor Peewee
Major Peewee
Minor Bantam
Major Bantam
Minor Midget
Major Midget

Please see the tryout tab specific to your age level for complete details and schedules.  Please check back often as schedules are subject to change.

MTK Fees for 2018-2019 season:
As per updated registration policies, fees will be due in full to the MTK.  No fees will be transferred from home associations.
**If you have paid fees above the $25 registration fee to your home association they will issue you a refund.

Novice - Peewee  $1080
Bantam - Midget  $1180


Schedule of Fees:
*** Fees MUST be payed upon final team selection. Please bring a cheque book to the final team selection.

Payment options are as follows:
A - 1 full payment due upon team selection
B - 2 equal payments due upon team selection and Nov 1, 2018
C - 3  equal payments due upon team selection, Oct 1, 2018 and Nov 1, 2018
*** Payments must be submitted upon final etam selection. Players will not be permitetd to join the team until doing so.
*** If you require alternative arrangements in special situations, please contact one of the MTK chairs.


Pre Tryout Conditioning:
A minimum of 1 hour of pre tryout conditioning will be available for all players that have registered for MTK tryouts.
All players attending pre tryout conditioning must be registered with their respective home association as per their registration policy and must complete preregistration with MTK through the MTK website.
There is no cost for these sessions

Tryouts Costs:
$110  - for players that have completed the online pre-registration
$150 – for players that walk-up the first day of tryouts without completing the online pre-registration
Payments are due at the first tryouts session and payable to the Mississippi Thunder Kings by either cheque or cash.

Tryout Registration:
All players must be registered with their respective home association (APMHA or CPMHA) in accordance with their home association registration policy prior to attending a tryout.
Pre-registration through the MTK website is strongly encouraged.
Payment will occur at the first tryout session.
It is recommend that players arrive at approx 45 minutes before the first session to allow time for registration.  Registration desk opens 1 hour prior to ice time.

Tryout Jerseys will be provided upon registration and must not be altered or switched unless done so by an executive member.
The tryout costs includes a Jersey for the player to keep.
All other equipment is the responsibility of the individual player.

Dressing Rooms:  For Novice to Major Atom, parents/guardians are welcome to help their player tie their skates, and then we ask they leave the dressing room.  MTK provides dressing room monitors with appropriate certification.

Hydration:  Players should provide their own labeled water bottle for all tryout sessions. 

The Competitive Team Tryout Process is available  HERE

Questions:  Please direct questions to either of the MTK Competitive Reps